The Chilliwack Métis Association is a Chartered Community of Métis Nation British Columbia. All Métis in the Chilliwack area are welcome to participate. We hold social meetings, potluck dinners, Métis Jigging, music and Michif language, stimulate Métis culture and history. We support Aboriginal Education, Health, Social Services, employment assistance and skills training. We are active in helping the food bank, Christmas Hamper, Homework Club, Youth & Elder programs.
Our quarterly newsletter is designed to help keep members, associate members and friends up to date, as to what your CMA is up to, so make sure you have chilliwackmetisassociation.ca book-marked in your favourites. Check back often and don’t forget to keep an eye on our website calendar for upcoming events. Another way to stay in touch is to send your e-mail address to cmasecretary@hotmail.com , and ask to be put on our mailing list. Our President Paul Gaultier keeps us up to date on upcoming meetings and breaking news.
Q: Who are the Métis?
A: Prior to Canada's crystallization as a nation in west central North America, the Métis people emerged out of the relations of Indian women and European men. While the initial offspring of these Indian and European unions were individuals who possessed mixed ancestry, the gradual establishment of distinct Métis communities, outside of Indian and European cultures and settlements, as well, as, the subsequent intermarriages between Métis women and Métis men, resulted in the genesis of a new Aboriginal people - the Métis.
The Canadian Constitution Act, 1982, recognized the Métis as one of Canada's founding aboriginal peoples. The Supreme Court accepted a definition of "Métis" as a person who self-identifies as Métis, and who is from a historic Métis community.
Citation: The Constitution Act, 1982
Shannon Olynyk - Indigenous Education Advisory Metis representative